para- - definizione. Che cos'è para-
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Cosa (chi) è para- - definizione

Para-; Para (disambiguation); Para (footballer); Pará (footballer); Para (village)

(also par-)
¦ prefix
1. beside; adjacent to: parathyroid.
2. beyond or distinct from, but analogous to: paramilitary.
3. Chemistry denoting substitution at diametrically opposite carbon atoms in a benzene ring: paradichlorobenzene. Compare with meta- and ortho-.
from Gk para 'beside, beyond'.
¦ combining form denoting something that protects or wards off: parachute.
from Fr., from the Ital. imperative singular of parare 'defend, shield'.
·- A prefix signifying alongside of, beside, beyond, against, amiss; as parable, literally, a placing beside; paradox, that which is contrary to opinion; parachronism.
II. Para- ·- A prefix denoting: (a) Likeness, similarity, or connection, or that the substance resembles, but is distinct from, that to the name of which it is prefixed; as paraldehyde, paraconine, ·etc.; also, an isomeric modification. (b) Specifically: (Organ. Chem.) That two groups or radicals substituted in the benzene nucleus are opposite, or in the respective positions 1 and 4; 2 and 5; or 3 and 6, as paraxylene; paroxybenzoic acid. ·cf. Ortho-, and Meta-. Also used adjectively.
A para is a paratrooper
...some guys just out of the paras.
N-COUNT: usu pl, usu the N



Para, or PARA, may refer to:

Esempi di pronuncia per para-
1. Para chic.
Fashion _ Garance Doré _ Talks at Google
2. ANJALI KUMAR: Para chic.
Fashion _ Garance Doré _ Talks at Google
3. Muchas gracias, Para servirles,
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
4. YOLO para chic.
Fashion _ Garance Doré _ Talks at Google
5. They know what para sports is.
Singapore Paralympian Gold Winners _ Yip Pin Xiu & Teresa Goh _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per para-
1. Para algunos, no cubrió reformas cruciales para fortalecer el estado.
2. Las maniobras para hacer de la luna una base militar no son para la "seguridad" ni para la "paz" de que hablan ellas.
3. "Teníamos un ambicioso programa para la región pero la asistencia para el desarrollo continuó dispersa...
4. Estos esfuerzos para eludir la violencia han limitado claramente las opciones del gobierno para reaccionar.
5. Para Albornoz, la inversión en ID es "una condición necesaria pero no suficiente" para estar preparados.